Holes by Louis Sachar

So good, I might even get back into Goodreads.

This little beauty came to us as homework, so I read it with my ten- and thirteen-year-old sons, and we all enjoyed it. We also loved the film; I thought they reflected each other well but my 10 y/o was surprised at the casting throughout, so the book-film fit may be arguable.

Either way, book = great, film = also great.

Thanks, school!

I’ll link to a review  when / if I get the time but definitely recommend this.

2 thoughts on “Holes by Louis Sachar”

  1. Holes was a great read! I love the way the flashbacks and present-day scenes slowly converge into a series of surprising reveals, not just the reveals the reader thought were coming.


    1. Yes, I can’t do it justice in a comment, will do a full review, but that generational span and the karmic / cursed element gave it a folk tale feel, and the boys’ friendship felt very real in comparison.


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