Christmas holiday reading list

This year, I approached Christmas with a bout of shingles followed by a fluey cold, the type that stops you running in the mornings, or even getting dressed unless absolutely necessary. I was lucky to have grandparents on hand to scoop up my children, leaving me to snuggle up with a little pile of new books:

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman (enjoyed it, but oddly light cover of big issues – Bridget Jones meets trauma),

Milkman by Anna Burns (blimey, tribal, scary, good),

Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig (ongoing, will review),

The Gloaming by Kirsty Logan (been looking forward to this SO much, will review when I’ve finished),

The Choice, A True Story of Hope by Edith Eger (late addition, not started yet),

and a collection of children’s fiction including Trickster by Tom Moorhouse – all of which will be subjected to tiny reviews very soon.

Once I’ve finished reading the books.


Image attribution: book/woman


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